Governing Body membership
Chair of Governors and Chair of Finance & Premises Committee
'My career in education began in 1970 as teacher. I was promoted in schools to head teacher, and in Nottinghamshire Local Authority to Deputy Chief Iinspector. Finally, promoted to Grandfather, I now run an international Leadership Consultancy Business specialising in evaluation and success planning in education, business, health and sport.'
Relevant Business Interests: Creator of The iAbacus, works with schools and Academy Trusts on School Improvement
Details of other Educational Establishments of which you are a governor: None
Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None
Term of Office expires: September 2024
Attendance - 83%
Vice Chair
Parent Governor (Appointed by the parent vote)
Kelly Smith
"I have two children who attend the school and thought it would be interesting to see how the school curriculum is written and delivered to the children"
Committee(s): Finance & premises
Paul Falconer
Committee(s): TBC
'I’m a retired Head Teacher of a Derby Nursery school and Children's Centre. I also taught at Ripley Nursery school and have a long association with Ripley Infant School through my children and grandchildren attending as pupils.'
Janette Ward
"I have worked for businesses serving the education sector for over 20 years. I also have an association with the school as my two children both attended"
Committee(s): Finance & Premises
Relevant Business Interests: "Jan works for an education supplies company"
Details of other Educational Establishments of which you are a governor: None
Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None
Mandie Beighton - Designated Safeguarding Governor and Chair of Safeguarding committee
'I have been a teaching and learning assistant Ripley Infant School since 2014. I join the governing body to take a further developing interest in the running of our school. Our children deserve the best in being part of the decision-making process is an absolute privilege and honour.'
Committee(s):Curriculum & Personnel, Safeguarding
Relevant Business Interests: Employed by Ripley Infant School as a TA
Details of other Educational Establishments of which you are a governor: None
Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None
Staff Governor (Appointed by staff vote)
Kirsty Saunders
'I have worked at Ripley Infant School since 2016. I am passionate about ensuring that our school can provide an excellent quality of education as well as foster children’s well-being in a positive way. Being a part of the Governing Body allows me to be a part of the bigger picture of our school and how we can ensure every decision made will make a positive impact on the lives of the pupils in our school.'
Committee(s): Curriculum & Personnel,
Relevant Business Interests: None
Details of other Educational Establishments of which you are a governor: None
Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None
Term of Office expires: October 2026
Paula Doleman
Committee(s): Curriculum & Personnel, Finance&Premises, Safeguarding
Relevant Business Interests: None
Details of other Educational Establishments of which you are a governor: None
Relationships with members of staff, e.g. spouse, relatives: None
Clerk to Governors
To contact please email:
Governors leaving over the post 12 months
Mrs Jane Foulkes (Co-opted Governor) Resigned 08.01.23
Miss L Dove (Clerk to Governors) Left 21.07.22
Ms Alison Cope (LA governor) term of office ended February 2023
Lindsey Willis (Co-opted governor & Vice Chair) resigned August 2024